As an art student in Shetland, the natural world isn't just a view, it forms part of your studies. Imagine working on your art with a backdrop of vast seas, shifting skies, and wide-open landscapes.

Artists often say the light and colours found in Shetland have the power to transform the ordinary into something extraordinary.

And, of course, you’re not just surrounded by nature, but also a supportive community of creatives. This combination of inspiring scenery and a tight-knit artistic circle is highly valued by art students like Veronica Richards and Tabitha Johnson, who find that studying in Shetland boosts their creativity and helps them grow as artists.

Veronica Richards studies the NC in Art and Design programme and says the camaraderie among students and mentoring by lecturers has been excellent. This supportive environment has helped boost Veronica’s confidence and developed her ability to express herself through her artwork, notably in pieces like her vibrant self-portraits.

Some of her work was included in a local art exhibition in Bigton, providing a huge boost for Veronica. She recalls: "There were nine different coloured prints all the same picture, and I'd written a wee poem to go with it as well. And I was just like, 'whoa!’."

Tabitha Johnson has been working towards a Fine Art degree at UHI’s Lerwick campus. As the only full-time student on her course, she has enjoyed working with her part-time peers. "We’ve got cracking studio space and desks set up, and it’s great to be able to see everyone else’s when they’re in working", she explains.

The course structure has allowed Tabitha to dive into different artistic mediums. "I’ve had five different practical modules that I’ve taken part in over the two terms, including drawing and painting, as well as a photography module and a printmaking one, and also spatial practice, which is more sculptural based’, Tabitha says, revealing the breadth of her academic exposure. This variety has sparked a newfound passion for sculpture, which she plans to explore further.

“I’ve been quite inspired by sculpture. That’s something I’ve never really had an opportunity to spend the time to sit down and do, and I enjoyed the process of making." Tabitha is looking forward to studying textiles as part of her degree course.

A great deal of Tabitha’s inspiration is drawn from the local environment. "The freedom is definitely an advantage of being here, just being able to get out in the wildlife and not being trapped in a city is a huge part of what I enjoy," she says.

Tabitha’s projects often reflect her love of Shetland nature such as her otter sculptures inspired by local wildlife and created using recycled materials—a nod to both the natural and the sustainable ethos she embraces. "Animals and nature. Yes, that’s what makes me tick," she smiles.

Both students are deeply integrated into their local community. Veronica's role as a student representative has allowed her to help her peers directly, enhancing her student experience and fostering a supportive network. "I really enjoy helping other people and making things better for people," she says.

Tabitha, meanwhile, continues to blend her artistic and personal interests. Her involvement with her band, The High Level Hot Club, and her passion for horse riding enrich her life in Shetland. She also appreciates opportunities to make friends.

"When I did the HNC, I made such meaningful connections with people. It’s not such a wide pool of people [as you would find in a city] so it’s easy to make those connections. And for me, there were the musical opportunities that came out of it as well for me. I think it’s really the people that make it special here."

Looking ahead, both students see their futures intertwined with the arts. Veronica is considering furthering her education with a degree in Fine Art, while Tabitha is considering a potential career in art education. "I think in my life there will always be some creative aspect," Tabitha reflects.

For prospective students considering an arts education, Veronica and Tabitha’s experiences offer an insight into how studying in Shetland provides more than picturesque scenery. It’s a place where students can thrive artistically and personally, supported by a community that values and nurtures their development.

Study Fine Art at UHI Shetland and find inspiration in Shetland's landscape, and rich natural and cultural heritage.