As you start exploring Geopark Shetland, there is no better place to begin your journey than the Shetland Museum and Archives.
The award-winning museum tells Shetland's story from its geological beginnings to the present day, with excellent exhibits covering many aspects of Shetland’s heritage and culture. This includes displays highlighting the important part geology played in this story – from Shetland's earliest rocks, half the age of the Earth itself, through to the arrival of the oil industry in the 20th century, and the emergence of a clean energy industry in the 21st century.
The Museum and Archives also introduces the network of heritage and cultural sites throughout the isles and can help you decide which sites to visit for your particular area of interest.
One you are ready to venture further afield and experience the islands' spectacular landscapes, wildlife, and heritage there are many walks and guides to help you discover the magnificence of Geopark Shetland.