Shetland is famed for its natural beauty and wildlife. By following these simple guidelines, you will respect the needs of those who rely on the countryside for their living whilst preserving the natural environment.

Scottish Outdoor Access Code

When exploring Geopark Shetland, it is important to remember that the islands' environment is special and must be protected. Much of the countryside is used as agricultural land, with livestock grazing and is home to a wide range of flora and fauna.

By following simple guidance, you will help take care of Shetland's natural environment.

  • Use stiles and gates. Close any gates that you open.
  • Do not walk across cultivated fields or growing grass crops; keep to the edges.
  • If you have to cross cultivated land, do so by the edge of the field.
  • Try not to disturb livestock, especially during lambing time (mid April - mid June).
  • Dogs must be kept under close control or on leads.
  • Do not leave litter or start fires.
  • Try not to disturb nesting birds.
  • Respect wildlife and refrain from picking flowers.
  • Do not park so as to obstruct access roads or gates.
  • Beware of tides and cliffs, especially when with children.
  • Leave rocks as you find them.
  • Do not take geological specimens without permission (see Collecting).

For more information about your access rights and responsibilities please consult the Scottish Outdoor Access Code, available from Scottish Natural Heritage.


Collecting original geological material such as rocks, minerals, and fossils is not usually permitted within the Geopark. It may be allowed if for scientific or educational purposes and with the landowner's permission.

For more information contact Shetland Amenity Trust.


Shetland's weather is very changeable so be prepared for bad weather, with warm, waterproof clothing, sturdy footwear, food and hot drinks.

  • Check the weather forecast before going out and heed local advice.
  • Always let someone know where you are going and when you expect to be back.
  • Wear a hard hat when inspecting cliff faces and high visibility waistcoats at road cuttings.
  • Terns and skuas defend their nests by 'dive-bombing' intruders. To deter them, wave your arms or hold a stick above your head and move out of the area.
  • Working quarries and mines (whether at work or idle) should only be visited by permission of the operators and under conditions specified by them.

Geopark Shetland including Shetland Amenity Trust and its partners do not accept liability for any injury, loss or damage sustained by a person or caused to his/her property as a result of visiting any location here described.